The Scent of Civet

After an exhilating day on safari in the Pilanesburg near Sun City – South Africa – the scent of the serengeti was so distinct.  Traveling in a 12 person open-air  jeep on safari really does bring out animally instincts.  The group was elated with anticipation yet very asleep as we pulled out at 5 a.m. after signing our life away when our ranger handed each of us Waivers of No Liability due to injury or death (go figure!) that only doubled folks anticipation and tripled mine as wild thoughts of being eaten by that mean old lion overtook our excited as the loudness of the jeep engine began to rumble & rumble & rumble, OMG, here we go … into the wild at the break of dawn!

A wide range of ingredients in perfume comes from animals.  Specifically civet, an animal from the African cat family.

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