Wonderstruck… by Taylor Swift

 Wonderstruck Taylor Swift for women

TS talks about the combination of scents that make up her new perfume named Wonderstruck. …sniffing various scents during the creation process, hoping to arrive at just the right blend…  she enjoys vanilla, caramel and berry aromas. “In making this perfume, it was such an amazing process in picking the things I liked, like berries,” she says. “Berries smell nice, let’s put more of those in there!”

Swift explains that Wonderstruck is not just a fragrance, but an artistic creation with meaning behind it: “I think you can tell a story in song, you can tell a story through movies, you can tell a story through writing. You can kinda tell a story that connects memories together when you’re creating a perfume that people are going to wear in their day-to-day lives.”

Behind the Scenes with Swift

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