iNsiDe the Beauty Industry

OMG… busy preparing to head to NYC, the Big Apple, for inside the industry perfume symposiums and behind the scenes at Bergdorf Goodman, Henri Bendel, LeLabo and the Sephora Scensorium temporary fragrance exhibit in SoHo next month.  Can’t wait…. I’m pulling out all the chic black clothes I can find in my Vegas summer flip flop wardrobe. 

I’ll be staying at the Bentley hotel within the glass walls and views of the East River and lights of the 59th Street bridge.  Looking to take samples from the August Atelier lab and perhaps get it into the hands of some of the top fashion and beauty editors or perfume aficianodos.

Meanwhile…. there’s alot to do back in the lab… creating, testing, bottling, labeling and selling!!!   Stay tuned…                                         

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